About Us

Kirkstall Valley Development Trust is an inclusive Community Benefit Society whose aims are to support the local community of Kirkstall. Working from two locations – a community hub, where the food pantry is located, and also from the farm – we are a team of dedicated staff and volunteers who run activities, events, campaigns and services to benefit the community and bring people together.

Our Vision

To be a catalyst for community-led change in Kirkstall

Our Mission

We make Kirkstall a great place to grow up, live and work. We bring people together to protect our green spaces, make friends and have fun.

We make a difference locally by listening to what our community needs and wants and empower people to make positive changes to our neighbourhood.


Our Values

We are inclusive and compassionate

We are bold and open to new things

We recognise that everyone can make a valuable contribution

We respect and protect our environment

We are outward facing

Our Current Projects

  • A community hub at St Stephen’s church hall on Norman Street, LS5 3JN
  • Kirkstall Valley Farm, part of the Community Supported Agriculture network (CSA), our farm supplies weekly fresh veg to members of the local community through a Harvest Share Membership Scheme. It supports the maintenance of the land and offers opportunities for people to get involved and learn new skills.
  • Abbey Community food pantry at our community hub supporting people on low-income to access affordable food.
  • A regular preschool Stay and Play group, at our hub and at the farm in the warmer months.
  • School holiday activities for school-aged children on the farm and at our hub.
  • Community events for all of the Kirkstall community to come together
  • Farming and environmental education, particularly aimed at young people.
  • Pay as you can Lunch Club on Mondays and Wednesdays with drinks and meals
  • Room and outdoor space hire for local business and community members to meet, provide activities or celebrate together.